“云计算”这个词汇只是一个Buzz Word,并非多么精确的学术/技术定义。向上还有更加阳春的“普适计算”,而“云计算”本身不过是对一种计算范型的描述,一如我们所知的存在已久的C/S、B/S、P2P、Cluster等,只不过用“云”这个字眼加上了一层隐喻,让人觉得不明白了。与其浪费时间在七嘴八舌的论坛上寻求讨论,不如单刀直入去WIKI求你所需。WIKI中说到,Cloud Computing包含了三个*aaS,迅速道破了“云”的基本技术结构。
IaaS, infrastructure as a service : the delivery of computer infrastructure (typically a platform virtualization environment) as a service.
IaaS原有的说法是Hardware as a service,也就是云计算的雷锋们为大伙儿提供CPU、提供硬盘、提供网络带宽、提供全天水电,不过如此。
PaaS, platform as a service : the delivery of a computing platform and solution stack as a service, offerings include workflow facilities for application design, application development, testing, deployment and hosting as well as application services such as team collaboration, web service integration and marshalling, database integration, security, scalability, storage, persistence, state management, application versioning, application instrumentation and developer community facilitation.
PaaS的实例有比较早出现的Amazon Web Services,以及近一年来曝光率很高、还在不断演化的Google App Engine和Microsoft Azure Services Platform。GAE刚刚开始支持Java(可怜我的网络,到现在还没装上相关的插件和SDK),而微软也称在Azure上支持各种语言,从自家的.NET家族到Java、Ruby等。PaaS简言之就是把IaaS给封装起来了,好比JVM或者CLR对系统底层的隐藏。
SaaS, software as a service : a model of software deployment whereby a provider licenses an application to customers for use as a service on demand. SaaS software vendors may host the application on their own web servers or download the application to the consumer device, disabling it after use or after the on-demand contract expires.
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