An Early Look at Java™ Language Support New!App Engine is unveiling its second language: Java. This release includes an early look at our Java runtime, integration with Google Web Toolkit, and a Google Plugin for Eclipse, giving you an end-to-end Java solution for AJAX web applications. Our support for the Java language is still under development and we're eager to get your help and input. For now, access will be limited to the first 10,000 developers who sign up, but we'll be including more as soon as possible. Give it a try and send us your feedback.
什么都看清楚了,唯独没看清楚“access will be limited to the first 10,000 developers who sign up”中的“limited”和“10000”的字样,单单见着了“sign up"的链接点进去注册了。末了,给出如下提示
这次看见了头一句话,后面的激活字样没有看到。Sign up to try Google App Engine for Java.
Thanks for signing up. Once your account is activated, you will receive an email with more information.
于是乎折腾了很久在Eclipse上配置好了环境,建立了一个Sample App,在本机上跑了一下,看了看代码,弄清楚了组织结构,随后点击“Deploy”,兴奋地等待之后在Eclipse的控制台输出中看到 Error posting to URL:
400 Bad Request
Invalid runtime specified.
回头进到App Engine的Dashboard,本以为自己创建了一个Java Runtime的App,结果仍然是个python的,建立之时也没看清楚相关字样。